2016 "I Think I Can" Fundraising Cartoons

Every few years, I do a fundraising campaign for At the Crossroads, a San Francisco nonprofit that provides services and support for homeless youth, in which I try to draw 20-30 original cartoons in 30 days.  This year I managed to do it, but only through a bloody ritual sacrifice of Garfield the cat. 

(You can go to the 2016 campaign website to see the original cartoons with commentary.)

Click on a thumbnail to see the full image. Use the arrows to go to the next drawing.

(Please don't download and email individual cartoons, but feel free to share this page with others.)



academy_awards_01_120ppi.jpg atm_r_01c.jpg cannon_01b.jpg
desert_island_04_01.jpg dining_01.jpg driving_03sm.jpg
earlybikes_01_72ppi.jpg fly_01.jpg football_01.jpg
four_horsemen_01_96ppi.jpg gladiator_02.jpg gladiator_03.jpg

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